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Our Goaat Arrawatta Station is to produce the ultimate in grass fed and finished beef.

The key components of any beef production process are cattle genetics, feed quality and management of cattle, grasses, and soil. We believe that by combining the best grass conversion cattle genetics with the best Australian grasslands and using the best grazing management techniques, we can produce the best grass fed and finished beef in the world.

Grass only Porterhouse from Native Angus® x Angus  - courtesy Alto Angus, Victoria.

Our Genetics are based on Native Angus® cattle.

Native Angus® can be continuously traced back to the origin of the Angus breed, with no imported bloodlines.

For almost 200 years, moderately framed Native Angus® have been producing beef of world renown eating quality, with taste from the back fat and buttery texture from the marbling, while fed and finished on grass alone.

Native Angus® have an unparalleled ability to transform pasture into magnificent beef of great value in a world where real food, naturally raised in the old-fashioned way, is becoming so highly prized.


Aberdeen Angus at Ballindalloch Estate - Edward Herbert Miner 1878

Our Grasslands are situated in the lush Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, considered one of the premier grazing regions of Australia on account of a reliable, temperate climate and highly mineralized soils.

Arrawatta Station has some 1,800ha of rich red and black basalt soils, ideal for both native and improved pasture, with adequate gentle hilly country and an 8.5km stretch of the Macintyre River.
 Soil tests have shown CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) in the region of 38 meq/100g, indicating very high fertility.

ative grasses abound on the hilly country, while the flat lands are ideal for improved pasture species.

The property uses a variety of regenerative management practices to build soil biome health, and to improve environmental biodiversity and water quality.

Section of the Macintyre River at Arrawatta

Our Grazing Management  is based on a systems view  and  a regenerative philosophy.

We use adaptive multi-paddock grazing management which attempts to balance ecosystem improvement, productivity, soil carbon and fertility, water-holding capacity and profitability.

Our method is to use multiple paddocks per herd with short grazing periods and long recovery periods. We adaptively change recovery periods, residual biomass, animal numbers and other management elements as conditions change.

Native Angus® bulls waiting for the post. Who knew they had pen-pals?


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